Serbia Threatens Withdrawal from Euro 2024 Amid Chanting Controversy

Statements and Reactions Amidst Chanting Controversy

The Football Association of Serbia has issued a stern warning that the national team may withdraw from Euro 2024 following a heated incident during the Croatia vs. Albania match on Wednesday. This comes after fans were heard chanting about the killing of Serbians during the 2-2 Group B draw.

Serbia's General Secretary, Jovan Surbatovic, has called on UEFA to administer the harshest possible sanctions in response to the event.

Serbia, who are placed in Group C, commenced their Euro 2024 campaign with a narrow 1-0 loss against England on Sunday.

Outrage Over Actions

The controversy deepened on Wednesday when UEFA revoked the credentials of Kosovar journalist Arlind Sadiku. Sadiku had made a provocative nationalist double-handed eagle gesture towards Serbian fans during the game against England. This gesture mimics the eagle on Albania's national flag, a symbol that is particularly inflammatory for Serbian nationalists and ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, who have a tumultuous history.

In addition to this, Serbia faced a fine of £12,250 after fans threw objects during the match against England. Both Serbia and Albania were also sanctioned for displaying banners with nationalist maps in their opening matches.

Upcoming Matches and Statements

Serbia is scheduled to play against Slovenia at 14:00 BST on Thursday. The potential fallout could significantly impact their participation in the tournament.

Below are key statements from Jovan Surbatovic regarding the situation:

"What happened is scandalous and we will ask [European governing body] UEFA for sanctions, even if it means not continuing the competition."

"We will demand from UEFA to punish the federations of both selections."

Serbia’s Ultimatum to UEFA

Suratovic did not mince words, expressing a readiness to consider exiting the tournament if UEFA fails to act. "We do not want to participate in that, but if UEFA does not punish them, we will think how we will proceed," he emphasized.

Surbatovic also defended the conduct of Serbian fans, arguing, "We were punished for isolated cases and our fans behaved much better than the others."

Appeal for Fair Treatment

Additionally, Surbatovic sought to distance the majority of Serbian fans from the incident involving a single fan punished for racist insults. "One fan was punished for racist insults and we don't want it to be attributed to others. We Serbs are gentlemen and we have an open heart, so I appeal to the fans to remain gentlemen," he concluded.

Implications for Euro 2024

The incident and Serbia's subsequent response bring a cloud of uncertainty over their journey in Euro 2024. It highlights persistent ethnic tensions that continue to spill over into sporting events.

How UEFA responds will likely set a precedent, not just for Serbia, but for other teams affected by nationalism and political disputes. The governing body is in a delicate position, requiring a careful balance between maintaining the integrity of the competition and addressing the concerns raised around such sensitive issues.

As the situation unfolds, all eyes will be on UEFA’s decision and its implications for Serbia's participation in the championship. Will the governing body take decisive action to sanction the teams involved, or will this incident mark the premature end of Serbia's Euro 2024 journey? The football world awaits with bated breath.