More than six in 10 people working in the gambling industry are minorities, according to new research from the American Gaming Association (AGA).
It found that 61% of employees are minorities, compared to 52% in the hospitality industry and 42% in the total US workforce.
A total of 26 AGA members from across the industry participated in the study, and data was verified by an independent, third-party accounting firm.
It found that 23% of gaming employees are Hispanic and 19 percent are Black, both of which are higher than the national workforce
“Consumers, policymakers and investors are raising their expectations for all businesses on how they contribute to society beyond the bottom line,” said AGA president and chief executive Bill Miller.
“Encompassing data from across commercial, tribal and manufacturing gaming verticals, the survey both highlights our industry’s leadership on diversity while presenting areas for continued progress.”
The study also examined gender diversity. The industry’s workforce is 48% female, which is in line with the national workforce, but the of women representation drops off when it comes to more senior jobs.
“Our industry has made impactful strides toward becoming more diverse, but there is more work to do,” added Miller. “The AGA will use this research to engage our membership on how we can collectively advance DEI in gaming in the months and years to come.